March Staff Members of the Month
April 12, 2023
TV 3-4

Sophie is our TV4 Student of the Month! Sophie has stepped up to cover multiple events this semester & had the idea to re-film our entire b-roll library so we are better prepared. We’re excited for her ideas for using photos to enhance our coverage next year. Can’t wait to see what you do!
TV 5-6

Michael & Cate are our TV6 students of the month! This dynamic duo has been working on a CEF project (along with Trinity) for the entire school year – & it’s now crunch time. They have filmed in multiple locations & are now editing multiple videos. And all with minimum guidance from the client 😉 Also let’s not forget how they were prepared for every show last semester too. We appreciate their hard work.
TV 7-8

Summer is our TV8 student of the month! She has really stepped in to help out with content this semester – creating extra packages, covering events & hopping in for entertainment! She also is our senior weather reporter, & chips in on the crew.
Not to mention, Summer is always a friendly face to all in our newsroom – giving out compliments when people really need them. She is kind to every CHTV student & we all love her for it!