Carmel High School receives the opportunity annually to participate in the IndyFringe Festival, a theater festival in downtown Indianapolis that sports all types of plays and musicals. This year, the Carmel Theater Department performed a stellar production of A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. The musical presents a unique and startling take on a coming-of-age story of Connor O’Malley as he battles with nightmares, being bullied at his school and his mother being terminally ill. In his dreams, a mysterious tree vows to return every night and tell him a story. Each of these stories are haunting tales with no one being clearly in the right and no one being clearly wrong. Connor begins to question his life. Many may begin to ponder how they view life after this show. Is anyone truly in the right or truly in the wrong? To see this spectacular production about the struggles of Connor and his mother by the Carmel Theater students, head to 719E. St. Clair St. Indianapolis to see a performance. Two have already happened on August 25 and 26, with two more happening on August 31 at 7:15 p.m. and September 2 at 12 p.m. Be sure to show up to support the cast and crew as well who pour their hearts into the performance.
Carmel High School participates in the 2023 IndyFringe Festival
August 29, 2023
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About the Contributor

Michael Spech, Promotions Director
Michael Spech is a senior and going into his fourth and final year of CHTV. He is going to be one of two promotions managers and although in the past he was an entertainment anchor, he will now be producing videos for the shows. Michael has helped make many videos, such as a promotional video for the Carmel Education Foundation. Michael is also in the New Edition show choir. When he’s not playing CDC rec soccer, he works at the Ritz Charles. Michael is hoping to make this year of CHTV even better than the last, so stay tuned!