As we near the end of December, the weather is bound to get colder this time of year. So it’s important to make sure you keep your car in the best shape for winter. Doing so can be confusing but hopefully this will make it a bit easier to understand. The first step is to check your tire pressure, which is easier than you think. You can either use a tire pressure gauge that can be bought online for around $5 or if your car has a tire sensor built in that works too. If using a tire pressure gauge, simply unscrew the caps from your tire and press the nozzle firmly against where the air intake is on the tire. Then wait a few seconds and check what the pressure reads for, you can find your recommended psi in your car located on the drivers side door or in your cars manual. In order to refill your tires you can use an electric powered air pump or check your local gas station for one. Important tip, most newer cars are equipped with a snow setting which can increase traction incase of snowy or icy conditions. Also be sure to have a deicer and ice scraper in your car in case snowy conditions overpower your defrosters. Make sure to stay safe driving out there Greyhounds and have a happy holiday!