Buffalo Bills’ Damar Hamlin: Health Updates

Ayden Hagemann

As of Friday, January 6th, Buffalo Bills’ star safety Damar Hamlin, who suffered cardiac arrest midgame, is making miraculous strides in his recovery. Hamlin, a second-year player drafted out of the University of Pittsburgh, is awake, breathing on his own without the use of a breathing tube, as well as communicating both through writing and verbally with his doctors, family, and teammates. Additionally, his neurological function is intact, and he has regained movement in his hands and feet. His first written words were “Did we win,” in regards to the football game, to which the doctors responded, “Yes, you won the game of life.” 

Adding to the positive news around Hamlin, people from around the country have donated over 7.5 million dollars – and counting – to his toy drive for children. That includes Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay, who donated $25,003 of his own money towards the charity – the additional $3 represents Hamlin’s jersey #3. Regarding the game that was in progress prior to Hamlin’s injury, the NFL announced that the Bills-Bengals game will be officially canceled, stating that Hamlin’s health and well-being is more important than a football game. While Damar Hamlin’s future in the National Football League is still in question, the progress he has made and accomplished is still undeniably incredible.