April Staff Member of the Month
May 8, 2023
TV 3-4

Coyer is our TV 4 Student of the Month!
Coyer has really gotten into graphics this semester – creating tons of new, amazing art for our live shows & sports coverage. He had been instrumental in troubleshooting Tricaster issues & is already looking ahead to next year. We are thrilled he’s found his path here at CHTV & can’t wait until next school year.
TV 5-6

Zach Francis is our TV 6 student of the month! Zach always volunteers to help when things need to be done – and often just asks O “how can I help today?” He’s going above & beyond with his long format show – writing & producing a movie on his own. He’s jumped into the behind-the-scenes aspects of shows with a good attitude. And he’s already started on next year’s promotional work! We are excited to see what’s next.
TV 7-8

D WAT is our TV8 student of the month!
Darion ALWAYS has excellent scripts, full of every sport out there. He is a team player – stepping in to help when needed. His attitude is contagious – always pushing people to do better! And when he tells you what to do you’d better get on it. O will miss her bestie but knows that he will be a huge success after CHS.